is_valid) { $error = "The two words weren't entered correctly.  Please try again."; } else { // determine the correct x-drivers site $xServerName = str_replace("drivers","Drivers",ucfirst(str_replace("www.","",$serverName))); // get expire time for md5 encoding $encodedArray = array(); $now = date('U'); $expireMins = 120; // user has 120 minutes to complete Paypal payment and download their driver $expireTime = $now + ($expireMins*60); $encodedArray['expireTime'] = $expireTime; $encodedArray['driverid'] = $driverId; $encodedArray['xs'] = $xServerName; $cc = serialize($encodedArray); $encodedCode = urlencode(base64_encode(encode(base64_encode($cc)))); $url = "{$driverId}&xdl=1&action=downloadsplash&expcode={$encodedCode}"; header("Location: ".$url); exit; } } // determine the correct site name for header title $xServerNameTitle = str_replace("-drivers"," Driver",ucfirst(str_replace("www.","",str_replace(".com","",$serverName)))); $xServerShortName = str_replace("-drivers","",strtolower(str_replace("www.","",str_replace(".com","",$serverName)))); $body = <<< EOT {$xServerNameTitle} Download


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EOT; print $body; if ($_REQUEST['recaptchaError']) { $error = $_REQUEST['recaptchaError']; } print $error; $publickey = "6LfKXQUAAAAAAG9kbxQAwfcbMt_rGq_ZzQTgXJK6"; print "
"; echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error); print "
"; print ""; ?>