12 Mar 2025


Dell Computer dell RT7D10 usb keyboard USB Driver

Company: Dell Computer
Model: dell RT7D10 usb keyboard
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: R50535.exe


Dell Computer dell RT7D10 usb keyboard Driver. save file to desktop (winzip) open from there.it is an xp and multiple system driver, but will work on 98se.will make hotkeys for the dell rt7d10(also rt7d00) touchpoint multimedia keyboard function.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 1078804 01-17-02 00:49 data1.cab 44123 01-17-02 00:49 data1.hdr 630405 01-17-02 00:49 data2.cab 8727 08-14-02 16:59 Drivers/dellmmkb.cat 8288 02-20-02 14:00 Drivers/DELLMMKB.INF 7492 08-14-02 16:59 Drivers/dellusb.cat 1151 02-20-02 13:59 Drivers/DELLUSB.INF 8314 08-14-02 16:59 Drivers/dtmmusb.cat 3794 02-20-02 14:00 Drivers/DTMMUSB.INF 8725 08-14-02 16:59 Drivers/JPNMMKB.CAT 8150 08-08-02 14:47 Drivers/JPNMMKB.INF 28672 01-17-02 00:49 Drivers/MMKEYBD.DLL 163840 01-17-02 00:49 Drivers/MMKeybd.exe 10875 01-17-02 00:49 Drivers/MsiKbd.VXD 6656 01-17-02 00:49 Drivers/msikbd2k.sys 28672 01-17-02 00:49 Drivers/NHKSRV.EXE 340866 01-17-02 00:49 ikernel.ex_ 8727 08-14-02 16:59 JPN_DRVR/dellmmkb.cat 8288 02-20-02 14:00 JPN_DRVR/DELLMMKB.INF 7492 08-14-02 16:59 JPN_DRVR/dellusb.cat 1151 02-20-02 13:59 JPN_DRVR/DELLUSB.INF 8314 08-14-02 16:59 JPN_DRVR/dtmmusb.cat 3794 02-20-02 14:00 JPN_DRVR/DTMMUSB.INF 8725 08-14-02 16:59 JPN_DRVR/JPNMMKB.CAT 8150 08-08-02 14:47 JPN_DRVR/JPNMMKB.INF 28672 01-17-02 00:49 JPN_DRVR/MMKEYBD.DLL 163840 01-17-02 00:49 JPN_DRVR/MMKeybd.exe 10875 01-17-02 00:49 JPN_DRVR/MsiKbd.VXD 6656 01-17-02 00:49 JPN_DRVR/msikbd2k.sys 28672 01-17-02 00:49 JPN_DRVR/NHKSRV.EXE 1131 01-17-02 00:49 layout.bin 294 01-17-02 00:49 MMKeybd.ini 269 01-17-02 00:49 MSIOSD.INI 142768 10-07-02 18:21 Setup.exe 347 04-22-02 08:47 Setup.ini 143316 01-17-02 00:49 setup.inx 503 01-17-02 00:49 SETUP.ISS 383 10-08-02 19:42 Version.txt 1110 10-08-02 19:42 README.HTM -------- ---- 2971031 39 files

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