12 Mar 2025


Other Companies Prolific Technologies USB Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: Prolific Technologies
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ICUSB232.EXE


Other Companies Prolific Technologies Driver. While searching for a device driver for my non-branded USB to DB9 serial port adaptor (Which the PnP functions of Windows XP identified as a Prolific Technologies USB device), I found this device driver which is for a Star Tech PL-2303 USB to serial port adaptor. This driver worked perfectly with my unidentifiable USB to serial adaptor. During my time searching the internet in an attempt to identify the true manufacturer of this device (as Prolific Technologies manufacture electronic parts, but not complete products) I found information that indicated that most current USB serial port adaptors on the market today use the same interface electronics manufactured by Prolific Technologies.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 56320 09-05-01 06:23 ICUSB232/Setup.exe 146 12-31-02 16:29 ICUSB232/Setup.ini 129096 12-31-02 16:29 ICUSB232/Setup.inx 466803 12-31-02 16:29 ICUSB232/data1.cab 12253 12-31-02 16:29 ICUSB232/data1.hdr 264749 12-31-02 16:29 ICUSB232/data2.cab 344923 09-05-01 05:24 ICUSB232/ikernel.ex_ 417 12-31-02 16:29 ICUSB232/layout.bin -------- ---- 1274707 8 files

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