12 Mar 2025


Other Companies MAZ TECH usb flash drive USB Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: MAZ TECH usb flash drive
Operating System: All Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: mazusb.zip


Other Companies MAZ TECH usb flash drive Driver. The automatic setup application did not work for me, I had to go into the hardware manager and install the driver manually. I think it was the fdikpdr.pdr file under 98windows folder. Choose the USB controller and browse for the file, it should pick the right file if you go into the correct folder. I have installed successfully on an old DELL (PII 333) and a barebones system using an AMD 1800+ processor.

Good Luck.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 204800 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/Chinese/98Driver/DrvSetup.exe 10149 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/Chinese/98Driver/FDIKPDR.PDR 1964 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/Chinese/98Driver/FREEDIK.INF 18496 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/Chinese/98Driver/FREEDIK.SYS 651 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/Chinese/98Driver/Readme.txt 132534 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/Chinese/Manager - exe/BPT.bmp 163840 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/Chinese/Manager - exe/FDikLib.dll 1339 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/Chinese/Manager - exe/Korean - Setting.ini 225280 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/Chinese/Manager - exe/Manager.exe 417792 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/Chinese/Manager - exe/PassMan.exe 1074 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/Chinese/Manager - exe/Setting.ini 204800 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/english/98Driver/DrvSetup.exe 10149 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/english/98Driver/FDIKPDR.PDR 1964 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/english/98Driver/FREEDIK.INF 18496 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/english/98Driver/FREEDIK.SYS 651 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/english/98Driver/Readme.txt 163840 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/english/Manager - exe/FDikLib.dll 1339 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/english/Manager - exe/Korean - Setting.ini 225280 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/english/Manager - exe/Manager.exe 28672 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/english/Manager - exe/MangerDeveloperManual.doc 392192 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/english/Manager - exe/MangerProgramManual.doc 417792 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/english/Manager - exe/PassMan.exe 1274 11-14-02 10:40 mazusb/english/Manager - exe/Setting.ini 756736 03-27-03 08:31 mazusb/english/ManualENG.doc -------- ---- 3401104 24 files

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