12 Mar 2025


Dazzle Multimedia DVC-80 USB Driver

Company: Dazzle Multimedia
Model: DVC-80
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: DVC80XPpatch.exe


Dazzle Multimedia DVC-80 Driver. When I first plugged in the DVC-80, XP asked for install disks. I scoured the web and discovered this patch file. I downloaded it from scmmicro.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/scmmicro.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_refno=011114-000180

and then ran the file. After rebooting the computer, I reconnected the DVC-80 - nothing! I went to control panel, and discovered two unknown USB devices. When I clicked on each line individually, I was asked it I wanted to do a driver updated. I chose Automatic. The first unknown USB line (for me) was the Imaging Device - now installed as a DVC-80(2). The second unknown USB-line became a Sound, video and game controllers item - Dazzle DVC 80 Audio (2).

As I am writing this, I have yet to check it out. Hope you are successful!

File Contents:
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