12 Mar 2025


Other Companies Unknown STMP-3410 USB Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: Unknown STMP-3410
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: STMP-3410USBMemory.zip


Other Companies Unknown STMP-3410 Driver. The Device I have is a USB memory stick Plus MP3 player

128meg internal only

Driver designed for all 9X but have used on XP with sucess (xp Complains but continue anyway )

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 49 06-18-02 17:25 Autorun.inf 10030 02-17-02 02:10 Driver/Binary/booty.s 10042 05-03-02 20:42 Driver/Binary/booty_3410.s 84724 03-06-02 20:03 Driver/Binary/dcc.s 98200 06-19-02 20:46 Driver/Binary/dcc_3410.s 319515 03-06-02 20:03 Driver/Binary/resource.bin 845169 07-31-02 23:05 Driver/Binary/resource_3410.bin 114340 03-06-02 20:03 Driver/Binary/stmpsys.s 131092 07-31-02 23:05 Driver/Binary/stmpsys_3410.s 468941 07-15-02 23:18 Driver/data1.cab 14227 07-15-02 23:18 Driver/data1.hdr 512 07-15-02 23:18 Driver/data2.cab 32768 07-15-02 23:17 Driver/Dlls/stmphook.dll 2999 07-15-02 21:48 Driver/Drivers/mp3drv.inf 34706 07-15-02 23:16 Driver/Drivers/mp3drv.sys 356 07-15-02 23:16 Driver/Drivers/mp3drvnt.cat 356 07-15-02 23:15 Driver/Drivers/stscsi.cat 3034 07-15-02 21:45 Driver/Drivers/stscsi.inf 49917 07-15-02 23:15 Driver/Drivers/stscsi.mpd 48397 07-15-02 23:15 Driver/Drivers/stscsi.sys 356 07-15-02 23:15 Driver/Drivers/stscsint.cat 344923 09-05-01 16:24 Driver/ikernel.ex_ 461 07-15-02 23:18 Driver/layout.bin 49152 07-15-02 23:17 Driver/Programs/regdll.dll 98304 07-15-02 23:16 Driver/Programs/stmp3.dll 45056 07-15-02 23:17 Driver/Programs/stmp3format.exe 61440 07-15-02 23:18 Driver/Programs/stmp3update.exe 20480 07-15-02 23:17 Driver/Programs/uninstaller.exe 56320 09-05-01 16:23 Driver/Setup.exe 142 07-15-02 23:18 Driver/Setup.ini 148649 07-15-02 23:18 Driver/setup.inx 94 08-01-02 13:09 Mp3/DATA.TAG 516772 08-01-02 13:09 Mp3/data1.cab 4525 10-20-97 14:20 Mp3/lang.dat 334 08-01-02 13:09 Mp3/layout.bin 417 05-06-97 18:15 Mp3/os.dat 60416 01-23-98 02:08 Mp3/SETUP.EXE 67 08-01-02 13:09 Mp3/SETUP.INI 59550 08-01-02 13:09 Mp3/setup.ins 49 08-01-02 13:09 Mp3/setup.lid 290733 01-23-98 01:54 Mp3/_INST32I.EX_ 8704 01-27-98 18:07 Mp3/_ISDEL.EXE 11264 01-23-98 18:40 Mp3/_SETUP.DLL 204531 08-01-02 13:09 Mp3/_sys1.cab 47087 08-01-02 13:09 Mp3/_user1.cab 796 06-28-02 01:02 setup.ini 1820 06-27-02 22:27 UI/Btn_1_Di.jpg 2029 06-27-02 22:22 UI/Btn_1_Dn.jpg 1932 06-27-02 22:18 UI/Btn_1_Ov.jpg 2192 06-27-02 22:29 UI/Btn_2_Di.jpg 2454 06-27-02 22:24 UI/Btn_2_Dn.jpg 2400 06-27-02 22:19 UI/Btn_2_Ov.jpg 618 06-27-02 22:26 UI/Exit_Dn.jpg 5561 06-28-02 00:52 UI/Exit_Ov.jpg 69485 06-28-02 00:30 UI/Main.jpg 18432 07-03-02 14:35 UI/Thumbs.db 131072 06-28-02 01:03 Welcome.exe -------- ---- 4537991 57 files

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