12 Mar 2025


Dell Computer SM9FLAU USB Driver

Company: Dell Computer
Model: SM9FLAU
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: memorykeydriver.zip


Dell Computer SM9FLAU Driver. - Descompacte los archivos zipeados

- Ponga el Disco Usb 64Mb en el puerto USB del Pc

- Espere que aparezca el mensaje "nuevo hardware encontrado"

y escoja el directorio donde descompacto los drivers.

- vea el disco en el explorador como "disco extraible"

felicidades a todos desde chile

English Version -

- Unzip downloaded files. As before, take care to note the location of these files as you will need it in a moment.

- Review the Eula.txt document as your use of this driver implies your consent to be legally bound by this document.

- Insert Dell USB Memory Key.

"Add New Hardware" wizard should start.

When prompted, choose the directory where the unzipped driver files reside.

- When the "Add New Hardware" wizard is finished, a new drive should be available in Windows Explorer.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 13664 10-17-01 15:47 LEXARUSB.SYS 8086 10-17-01 15:45 LEXARPD.PDR 2034 10-28-02 12:27 LexarUSB.inf 8937 04-05-02 17:48 Eula.txt -------- ---- 32721 4 files

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