12 Mar 2025


Micro Innovations IC200C USB Driver

Company: Micro Innovations
Model: IC200C
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ic200c.exe


Micro Innovations IC200C Driver. This driver was download of there site and it works GREAT!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 56320 09-04-01 17:23 Setup.exe 140 12-26-02 05:23 Setup.ini 132182 10-14-02 01:30 Setup.inx 49152 10-15-02 22:29 WIN98/amcap.exe 64930 12-24-02 22:49 WIN98/Config.set 53248 08-22-02 06:02 WIN98/StillCap.exe 8616 12-26-02 04:25 WIN98/usbvm302.inf 94090 12-24-02 00:28 WIN98/usbVM302.sys 147527 11-01-02 06:50 WIN98/VM302Prp.Ax 61440 08-22-02 03:50 WIN98/VM302STI.dll 57344 08-23-02 04:51 WIN98/VM302TWN.DS 2602 12-25-02 07:05 WIN98/VMAud98.inf 1012 12-25-02 07:06 WIN98/VMUSB98.INF 49152 10-15-02 22:29 WIN2000/amcap.exe 64930 12-24-02 22:49 WIN2000/Config.set 53248 08-22-02 06:02 WIN2000/StillCap.exe 22571 05-14-02 00:05 WIN2000/UsbMicfilt.sys 8616 12-26-02 04:24 WIN2000/usbvm302.inf 94090 12-24-02 00:28 WIN2000/usbVM302.sys 147527 11-01-02 06:50 WIN2000/VM302Prp.Ax 61440 08-22-02 03:50 WIN2000/VM302STI.dll 57344 08-23-02 04:51 WIN2000/VM302TWN.DS 4244 12-25-02 07:03 WIN2000/VMMicFl.inf 1905 12-25-02 07:03 WIN2000/VMUSB2k.inf 49152 10-15-02 22:29 WINME/amcap.exe 64930 12-24-02 22:49 WINME/Config.set 53248 08-22-02 06:02 WINME/StillCap.exe 8616 12-26-02 04:25 WINME/usbvm302.inf 94090 12-24-02 00:28 WINME/usbVM302.sys 147527 11-01-02 06:50 WINME/VM302Prp.Ax 61440 08-22-02 03:50 WINME/VM302STI.dll 57344 08-23-02 04:51 WINME/VM302TWN.DS 3575 12-25-02 07:07 WINME/VMAudME.inf 1012 12-25-02 07:07 WINME/VMUSB98.INF 49152 10-15-02 22:29 WINXP/amcap.exe 64956 12-24-02 22:50 WINXP/Config.set 53248 08-22-02 06:02 WINXP/StillCap.exe 22571 05-14-02 00:05 WINXP/UsbMicfilt.sys 10206 06-18-02 03:17 WINXP/usbvm302.cat 8642 12-26-02 04:26 WINXP/usbvm302.inf 94090 12-24-02 00:28 WINXP/usbvm302.sys 45056 08-22-02 00:51 WINXP/VM_STI.EXE 147527 11-01-02 06:50 WINXP/VM302Prp.Ax 61440 08-22-02 03:50 WINXP/VM302STI.dll 69632 08-23-02 04:53 WINXP/VM302TWN.DS 147456 08-22-02 05:34 WINXP/VMCap.exe 4244 10-11-02 05:34 WINXP/VMMicFl.inf 467006 12-26-02 05:23 data1.cab 20642 12-26-02 05:24 data1.hdr 481051 12-26-02 05:24 data2.cab 344923 02-01-02 05:23 ikernel.ex_ 417 12-26-02 05:24 layout.bin -------- ---- 3926863 52 files

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