23 Feb 2025


Microsoft USB Driver

Company: Microsoft
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: windows98feusb.zip


Microsoft Driver. i downloaded every zip that was supposed to contain these windows 98 files, but they were from se even though they said fe. use these to install your usb device...and root hub (which i had problems with) if you don't have a windows 98 fe disc. just extract to a folder..remove the usb device from your device manager, take any windows cds out of your drives, restart your computer and browse for the files in the folder and your device should install fine.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 194494 05-11-98 20:01 ntkern.vxd 25712 05-11-98 20:01 uhcd.sys 16960 05-11-98 20:01 USBD.SYS 26768 05-11-98 20:01 USBHUB.SYS 147456 04-23-99 22:22 USBUI.DLL 918827 06-27-02 15:55 VMM32.VXD -------- ------- 1330217 6 files

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