12 Mar 2025


ViPowER VIPowER VP2504-V USB Driver

Company: ViPowER
Model: VIPowER VP2504-V
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: VP-9208AT2.zip


ViPowER VIPowER VP2504-V Driver. Howewer its desined for use with Win95 also, works suspiciously, but no preblem with other Windows systems, incluing Win98 and higher. Not tested yet below Win 3.1 (obsolate).
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 4633 06-24-02 12:20 tpp200.inf 36096 06-24-02 12:20 tpp200.sys 4431 06-24-02 12:20 tpp300.inf 35584 06-24-02 12:20 tpp300.sys 118784 06-24-02 12:20 tppaldr.exe 5178 10-11-02 11:14 tppfx.inf 32256 06-24-02 12:20 tppfx.sys 8576 06-24-02 12:20 tppiosmp.sys 804 06-24-02 12:20 tppiostb.inf 4692 06-24-02 12:20 tppiostb.pdr 282624 06-24-02 12:20 tppnttry.exe 3778 06-24-02 12:20 tppsl11r.inf 31360 06-24-02 12:20 tppsl11r.sys 282624 06-24-02 12:20 tppstray.exe 11248 06-24-02 12:20 TPPUI16.DLL 12385 06-24-02 12:20 tppui32.DLL 98397 06-24-02 12:20 tppun.exe -------- ---- 973450 17 files

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