12 Mar 2025


VIA Technologies Generic USB Hub USB Driver

Company: VIA Technologies
Model: Generic USB Hub
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: via_usb2.0_2.54.zip


VIA Technologies Generic USB Hub Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 127 01-10-03 11:41 USB2/DATA.TAG 1329664 10-30-02 14:40 USB2/Readme.doc 6881 01-10-03 11:58 USB2/ReleaseNote.TXT 84 01-10-03 11:41 USB2/SETUP.INI 73728 01-12-99 13:42 USB2/Setup.exe 27648 10-27-98 14:06 USB2/_ISDel.exe 296674 02-23-99 12:45 USB2/_inst32i.ex_ 4715295 01-10-03 11:41 USB2/_sys1.cab 22883 01-10-03 11:41 USB2/_sys1.hdr 60592 01-10-03 11:41 USB2/_user1.cab 29155 01-10-03 11:41 USB2/_user1.hdr 469 01-10-03 11:41 USB2/data1.cab 2966 01-10-03 11:41 USB2/data1.hdr 6912 10-24-02 17:07 USB2/filter_nt/vulfnth.sys 10496 11-13-02 18:34 USB2/filter_nt/vulfntr.sys 23541 01-12-99 12:34 USB2/lang.dat 1596 01-10-03 11:41 USB2/layout.bin 116246 06-24-02 17:59 USB2/msusb_2K.cab 450 07-27-98 18:41 USB2/os.dat 75596 01-10-03 11:40 USB2/setup.ins 235 12-18-02 12:57 USB2/setup.iss 389 01-10-03 11:41 USB2/setup.lid 35840 10-08-98 15:35 USB2/setupdir/0003/_Setup.dll 34816 10-08-98 15:41 USB2/setupdir/0005/_Setup.dll 34816 10-08-98 19:41 USB2/setupdir/0006/_Setup.dll 35328 10-08-98 18:36 USB2/setupdir/0007/_Setup.dll 35840 10-08-98 18:38 USB2/setupdir/0008/_Setup.dll 34816 09-29-98 18:34 USB2/setupdir/0009/_Setup.dll 35840 10-19-98 19:32 USB2/setupdir/000a/_Setup.dll 34816 10-08-98 18:40 USB2/setupdir/000b/_Setup.dll 35328 10-08-98 18:41 USB2/setupdir/000e/_Setup.dll 35840 10-08-98 18:43 USB2/setupdir/0010/_Setup.dll 34816 01-22-99 15:52 USB2/setupdir/0011/_Setup.dll 34816 01-22-99 15:53 USB2/setupdir/0012/_Setup.dll 34816 10-09-98 15:40 USB2/setupdir/0013/_Setup.dll 35328 10-08-98 18:47 USB2/setupdir/0014/_Setup.dll 34816 10-12-98 16:26 USB2/setupdir/0015/_Setup.dll 35328 10-19-98 16:31 USB2/setupdir/0019/_Setup.dll 34816 10-19-98 15:35 USB2/setupdir/001a/_Setup.dll 35328 10-08-98 19:35 USB2/setupdir/001b/_Setup.dll 34816 10-08-98 18:53 USB2/setupdir/001d/_Setup.dll 35328 10-08-98 18:54 USB2/setupdir/001e/_Setup.dll 34816 10-08-98 18:55 USB2/setupdir/001f/_Setup.dll 35328 10-08-98 18:55 USB2/setupdir/0021/_Setup.dll 35328 10-08-98 18:56 USB2/setupdir/0024/_Setup.dll 34816 10-08-98 18:59 USB2/setupdir/002d/_Setup.dll 34816 10-08-98 19:19 USB2/setupdir/0404/_Setup.dll 34816 10-08-98 19:23 USB2/setupdir/040c/_Setup.dll 35328 10-08-98 19:24 USB2/setupdir/0416/_Setup.dll 34816 10-08-98 19:20 USB2/setupdir/0804/_Setup.dll 35328 10-08-98 19:25 USB2/setupdir/0816/_Setup.dll 34816 10-08-98 19:22 USB2/setupdir/0c0c/_Setup.dll 20 12-25-02 08:02 USB2/via.ini 177 01-10-03 11:57 USB2/viausb20.rev 2925 12-06-02 12:18 USB2/win98&me/USB2VIA.INF 17668 10-04-02 11:31 USB2/win98&me/VUSTR98.SYS 2316 01-11-02 12:41 USB2/win98&me/VUSTRBT.SYS 13360 04-17-02 12:53 USB2/win98&me/VUSTRME.SYS 28928 01-10-03 11:32 USB2/win98&me/usbehci.sys 69472 01-10-03 11:32 USB2/win98&me/usbhub20.sys 174788 01-10-03 11:32 USB2/win98&me/usbport.sys 1405 09-10-02 12:07 USB2/winXP_SP1/VIAEHCX1.INF 6787 09-26-02 15:06 USB2/winXP_SP1/viaehcx1.cat 961 12-12-02 14:09 USB2/winxp.txt -------- ---- 8174130 64 files

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